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Release Notes on v0.6.0

This version completes the example definition step of the variable extraction workflow. Now it is possible to select the pages, which should serve the model as examples and also highlight and extract all the variables on those example pages. These example pages build the preamble of the model prompt, i.e. an important milestone is achieved with this version.

The variable extraction can be done with standard text selection or with manual writing into a text box, so the text highlight extraction can always be corrected afterwards. Also, all extracted variables are highlighted visually on the page, making it easier to recognise, which terms have already been selected.

Besides the implementation of the example selection / marking completion, the version brings also small speedups in performance: the render intensive example selection & overview views are now cached and served from the cache, whenever navigation leads back to them. Still, performance of the client stays an issue, especially for larger pdf files. This is considered as an improvement point for further versions.